Sunday, October 25, 2009

Difference between HG and MS

I had never heard of HG before I was pregnant and there is not a lot out there about it. If more people knew about it then less Hgers would be crackered/ fired/ seen as weak people not coping with morning sickness.

HG is NOT even bad morning sickness. It is a serious illness that you can only get from being pregnant. Without medical intervention, severe, intractable cases are gravely dangerous for the mother and her babies.

"G is a debilitating and potentially life-threatening pregnancy disease marked by rapid weight loss, malnutrition, and dehydration due to unrelenting nausea and/or vomiting with potential adverse consequences for the newborn(s)." HelpHER website.

With out medical help women can (but rarely do) die today from HG. Until the 1940s when IV and aggressive treatment started severe HG women died. Charlotte Bronte died from HG ( and I think it was the reason that Nicole Kidman looked unpregnant her entire pregnancy. Alot of HG women have terminations as they are dangerously ill/ have no support.

I cannot explain the effects of nausea but interestingly Bug once overate melon as a child and it made him sick. He still cannot eat melon and I know of other similar stories. I find it interesting that foods have probably caused him and others many problems but the story involving nausea and vomiting is very strong in their memory and still causes aversion and dread years later. Bug is the most fearless man I know but i can chase him around the house screaming if I have a melon.

Alex in Clockwork Orange gets re-programmed with a N+V reaction to bad thoughts and is for a while 'cured'. I have always thought that the film was interesting, but his 'cure' implausible. Now I see it as a genuine idea that is explored as a concept through the film medium. (That sounds really wanky)

I try to explain HG as having bad flu for months, the kind where you cannot eat or move your head. Others compare it to severe food poisioning. I have had a nasty case of norovirus before after falling in to the Thames with my mouth open (out my scull) and HG is MUCH worse.

Anyway, for a good comparison to MS and HG this is from the hyperemesis web site.

This page is also good to check for symptoms.

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