Friday, March 12, 2010

38 weeks and 2 days.

So we got into the L+D ward today for the induction and I said straight away that I just wanted monitoring and if the babies and I checked out fine then I would like to wait a couple more days for labour to start.

The nurse did another NST on the babes and my blood pressure - everything checked out fine only word had got to the head OB that I was refusing inducement so she paid me a visit.

Now, I am not a doctor and they do have our best interests at heart but they also have schedules and weekends and this particaulr doctor was fiercly adamant that I had to be induced or risk the lives of my children and that it was my choice but was I ready to risk their lives? She said that stats show no twins born past 38 weeks due to mortality risk (well if you induce all twins at 38 weeks then there will be few stats for longer gestation willi there!?)

After much chat and compromise I had another sweep and returned later that night for induction if labour had not started.

Upon return I was 4 cm dilated and had felt no pain or contractions so was pleasantly suprised, however, they still wanted to induce me and a new head OB was on duty. Dr BigHands had a dour bedside manner but seemed like a nice man. He wanted to break my waters and give me pitocin as well. Hell no way I said, you can break my waters and wait to see what happens. Dr BigHands said that never works but agreed.

At about 11pm he broke my waters...and full on contrax started immediately. HOLY HECK IT HURT! I bit Bug’s head off if he tried to touch or talk to me as each contrax started but was very grateful when he told me that it had peaked and was on the way down - that halfed the pain.

Anyway I remained in this state with contrax every 2 - 3 mins apart for 2 hours and then Joe’s heart rate strarted dropping sharply and suddenly with each contraction. Dr BigHands came in and watched the read out for some contraxs and they tried me in some different positions, all of which were dropping his HR, Basically, with the waters broken the contractions were squashing his cord and stopping his blood supply and this meant that I needed an emergency C section.

I was almost relieved to hear this as the labour was horrible and not like having a large poo or period pain at all.

I was quickly wheeled into the operating theatre where a super slick team worked like clockwork to get the juniors out into the world. I asked Dr BH to let me know when they had started “We started minutes ago” he said! I could feel tugging and pulling as if I was a suitcase being unpacked but no pain. Suddenly I heard a cry - it was Helen! 2 mins later another cry and Joe was here too! Richard went over to see them and came back to let me know that they were really cute!

20 mins later Bug and I were holding Joe and Helen!! I cuddled Joe and exclaimed that “Oh my god he has ginger hair” (he doesn’t. it was just blood), followed by “I am going to be sick” , I was then sick everywhere for ages so could not hold them :-(

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