One of the best things about growing twins is the amount of scans that you get. We have had so many I loose count. Currently we are having the ‘normal’ twin amount of every 2 weeks. When they were worried about my cervix it was every week!
Seeing the juniors so often is an exciting event for both of us. We have both seen then grow since week 8 and it is amazing how fast they ‘build up’ and mature. It is great to see them every fortnight and see how they have grown, chart their weight, see their faces. Apparently they like it in there, tangled around each other in a tight noisy space (apparently there is 70 decibels of noise in my tummy! gurgling and wind mostly).
We decided at 31 weeks to get another CD of them, as they get larger it is harder to work out which bit is which but here are a couple of good ones.
They are each weighing in at 3 pounds each and hope to be about 4 pounds in 2 weeks time, (both those weights are on the average scale for singleton babies at the same gestation). That is what I weighed when I was born so it will feel like a milestone.
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