As soon as I was off bed rest I signed us up to the next multiples class at the Foothills hospital. We had to wait a while for this to start but last night was our first night Everyone in the class is having twins, there are no triplet or quad parents which is a shame as I would like to know some for when twin newborns are hard, triplets or quads would make me feel better in comparison, like a fatter friend does (joke!). It would be like me compared to my singleton baby friends.
So, we all had to introduce ourselves and say how preggo ‘we’ were. We were by far the most preggo. Most mums are around the 20 week mark...and they have bellies the same size as me!! If I didn’t know that the juniors were weighing in just fine I would be worried.
I asked the other women if any one has had ‘really bad morning sickness’. One other woman was having morning sickness and I was eager to have a chat with her about it until she said “I have been on diclectin since week 6”. So not an HG mum. Still, having morning sickness is still pants.
All the bed rest reading and early warning knowledge seems to of paid off as nothing that I did not know came up! I am more there to meet other people and eat cookies.