I am in silly season today. Barfing up like a drunk, nauseous waves are starting and soon I will be polaxed for the rest of the day... but I am happy as we are off to the UK in a few days and I get to see my Ma again...plus on fluffy days Selfridges, Tate Modern and some more culture.
At last we are at 20 weeks and for twins ths is well over half way with only 18 more weeks to go.

Now, we have been keeping their sexes a secret but I can reveal that one is...a banana! According to Babycentre.com and What to Expect.. I have a large banana gestating, others reckon it is a mango. It is twins, could be one of each, I am happy as long as they are edible.
Why fruit? Maybe most (sickness free) women can carry out their weekly shop and size themselves up in the grocery section, have a feel, weigh it in their palms....eat it. They get some idea of what is growing and have a nicer customer experience in store.
I just find it really fluffy and would rather have a ruler to look at or x-ray specs sold free with each book.
I also went food shopping (for the second time in months!!) and ended up buying all the fruits I have been missing out on week by week. Here they all are lined up, how cute. Some were out of season so I had to get a kiwi to stand in for the plum, a fake fig, and Safeway had no prunes so I thought a date is much the same. The book compares one week to a chicken breast. That is not possible for me right now or hygenic. Luckily Babycentre offered a lemon instead. Phew, much more HG friendly.

I better hope that HG ends at 24 weeks as junior(s) outgrows fruit and is lovingly compared to a 2 pound chuck roast. I have no idea what a chuck roast is but it sounds disgusting, like minced beef (2 pounds in weight shown!).
Anyway, I also arranged them into a bowl for composition, I ate the date (10 weeks) and trod on olive (9 weeks) so cannot include them in this shot. But here it is (top of page)...the bowl of life, My fruit trimester.
I am definatley getting better, I could not of done this just 2 weeks ago. What an achievement, I deserve a medal (irony IRONY!)
(The sketching is crap, I was in a hurry - usually much better!)
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