I want to be honest and this is all lifted from my diary.
Some people love poo chat and other people would not entertain it! But I never knew what constipation really was. I thought you just had to squeeze quite hard and never had the runs, again, something else to sympathise to in the future!
Zofran is brill and I have been eating a decent diet now for a few days. However, something I have not done for a very long time is a NUMBER 2.
It makes sense that if I am eating I may need the loo right? Pregnancy does make you constipated, your body takes water for other things and so the bowels get a lot less water, also food is held in the digestive tract for longer. Zofran is notoriously bad for giving you serious constipation. 1+1 = bad ass!
Here is my diary for Monday ' spent 2 hours trying to poo...OMG...TRAUMA! MASSIVE!! My body went into it's own poo labour and I had contractions to get it out...Horrendously painful'
2 hours was NOTHING!!! the following Sunday - 6 days later I knew I needed another one!
This one took 5 hours from start to finish! I am still shaking as I write.
I went off zofran late yesterday as I know that nothing will happen while i am on it - so i start being sick again as soon as it wears off.
Diary: 'I am in agony and sweating, being sick, my body has taken over and is pushing away but it will not budge. The pain...is there a danger of a misscarrige? This is so aggressive!'.
I run a warm bath and get in. It does help ease the abdominal pain and calms my back exit. BUG, is on a life saving mission for me. He drives to the pharmacy and they sell him stool softeners and glycerin suppositories. EEEK
I have NEVER used one of these, or put my finger there and have to google what to do. The chat rooms give me a piece of mind as most are pregnant women and this is just part of the 'getting to know my body journey of everything'
Anyway, FForward to 2 baths later, 3 suppositories, one sleep and then the final pushes! I give birth to a beautiful, record breaking.....I emerge from the basement a lot lighter and very relieved. Thanks to Bug on this one or I never would coped! He has seen so much of me over the last few months that a birth will be just the next step!
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