Hello again, well I know I said that I woudl make the 2 year old post my last but now that they are 3 years old and 2 months of age I get about oooo 9 mins a day to faff online. I got really clucky again recently and started cooing at babies and started to think what if....
Then I got the flu. Holy cow, I was unable to eat for 3 weeks and it put me right back to memories of HG. The Flu was not as bad as HG as I could drink and had no motion sickness, hypersalivation etc but I did have 2 kddies and was so tired. It made me remember that I cannot risk HG again while these nippers are still young (unless I hire a personal nurse, nany for the kids and accept guilt).
Another more important thing has been on my mind, well 2 things, one, how/ why do people get HG and 2, the recovery after.
1. I have read a few reports of women eating a high fat diet and links to HG. Not sure how tenuous or researched that link is but that thought hung with me and then...
2. I was exhausted after they were born having had no food and atrophied just about every muscle (including my brain). At 18 months I plummed further being so tired and always ill with a bad virus. The doctor wondered ME and then after a move to the US I had some blood work done and they found Candida Albicans.
So ME symptoms, constant wheezes and viruses were casued by candida. Only usual candida patients are in chemo, have aids or some other bad illness. The only illness i had was HG and then huge antibiotics for the c section.
I started to read nutrition books to see how I could get better. Then I started to get very interested in nutrition.
I have had a battle to kick the candida, that is hard and very restrictive (remember the battles with yeast at 8 weeks old?). I think it is mostly under check.
I had read up on the candida diet and also read some other books like Born to Run (I used to run so this was escapism), it mentioned vegan diets. I used to be a vegan so was inetrested.
Then I watched Forks Over Knives and my life changed. I read The China Study, got the Engine 2 book, enjoyed Rich Roll's Finding Ultra.
I changed to a low fat, whole foods only plant based eater and my energy came back :-)
I also wondered if the point number 1. that I made about high fat diets could have some sway. It seems all western diets are too high in fat. Dr Mc Dougall and Dr Essletyn and Jeff Novick (all leading Drs and dietician in US) will recommend the plant based whole food and low fat diet and they recommend a much lower fat intake per day than the standard American diet recommends (SAD) at 10% or less.
Anyway, interesting thoughts to add are could too much animal proteins lead to HG? Would being a plant based eater help avoid HG in the first place? So many illnesses come from eating meat based food and drink and so much illness is reversed from eating plant based that it makes me wonder.
So guess what I hope to return to university to study? (next year)
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
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