Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
My life as a blob!
I am still on bed rest. That is a good thing as the alternative is daily trips to the NICU which I do not want to do until I am at least 32 in the meantime bed rest is a good word.
However. Bed rest is even more boring to read about than it is to do. I think!
I have ordered in lots of reading books and I am going to take up knitting so have ordered a pattern book of my favourite knitable celebrities. Amy Winehouse is first! (No point knitting baby clothes when they only cost about $5)
In a couple of days I will be 26 weeks and my next goal from that is to get to 28 weeks. It is strange looking ahead at the days on the calender and completely forgetting that Christmas will fall in there somewhere.
The last scan on my cervix showed that it was still at 1.8 - so still crap but no worse and they are checking me every week with warnings of any preterm labour signs to go straight back into the labour and delivery ward.
As long as I stay lying down and off my feet it feels ok.
I am actually going out tonight to BUGS work Christmas party. I am being dropped off right outside the door and will sit down for dinner straight away and then come straight home to bed again. Any pain and I will leave asap! It is -36 outside so I do not want to hang around.
This week I met our future Doula for the first time and was very impressed by her. I was feeling a bit middle class and wimpy hiring a doula but we are having twins with no family or help on this side of the world so I can justify it! BUGS mum found her online when we were back in the UK. I did not have my laptop and we were having a discussion about care in Canada and the next thing I know is she has found 2 people in Calgary and got their life history from them ahaaaa...she also puts to them that she is concerned we do not have a clue about what to expect from a new baby, let alone 2 babies which has got us peeved. Who really does have a clue until their own arrive? You can guess, read every book and talk to your mum, friends etc but until it happens I bet we have no idea! - and I don't mind that. I fully expect it to be hard, funny, stressful etc etc
Anyhoo, the doula has looked after a lot of twins and some of them have been premmie babies, she stated that her insight is not medical but was still very reassuring about premmie babies. The twins she is off to look after from now until March were born at 27 weeks and are coming home all OK - a big relief as I only have just over a week until I am 27 weeks. She has lent me a book called The Multiple Pregnancy Sourcebook which is a joy to read for the very reason that it has no blooming fruit and veg comparisons in it. Nor does it hector or 'fluffy up' any copy. It is an insightful, factual read about multiple pregnancy so includes a lot of pre term labour and premmie births.
Bug is being a genius around the house cooking, shopping and cleaning (kind of!). He is feeding me and the juniors up on super foods like spinach soup (at least a bag of spinach per bowl), stews and porridge. I am getting pretty round shaped though despite no pigging out and being super healthy. I think my body is storing any fat it gets for the juniors.
The hyperemesis is back under control, I had dipped a bit on the diclectin as I didn't really think it did anything and I take 8 a day of those, 2 - 3 of zofran and 2 of ranitidine. However, I can report that diclectin does have an impact as after 2 days without it and just on zofran alone I puked in the taxi on the way to the doctors and was so sick again...oops! It took a few days of being back on all 3 pills to nub away the green feeling and I feel pretty normal again now which is good as I am looking forwards to turkey tonight (the bird variety!)
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Bed rest is so boring especially to write about in a blog...
As I said when I started this blog '9.99% of blogs are irrelevant crap and mine is no exception"
Well, I want to share a blog that IS the exception..if you like the outdoors and fitness.
I no longer need to read Runners World, this is as good as it gets in running, the adventures that this women has and the group she runs with around the trails in Banff national park and beyond are simply amazing and I can only hope that the juniors take to the outdoors so I can run some of these one day too (athough NOT that 100 miler yikes!).
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
I had a 24 week ultra sound today. I thought it was going to be a standard scan like I have been getting used to but mostly they just wanted to look at my cervix measurements.
A 'good' and closed cervix should measure over 3cm ( I think...bear with me!) . They start to flag it if you are less than 2.5 to 2 cm. I was 1.8 and funneling...hmmm. I may have an 'incompetent cervix' The doctor explained it to us and said it is a red flag for early labour and I may be having steroids to help the juniors in case bed resting does not work. I have been googling it all day since and worried myself in to a stress ball. Hopefully I can get hold of my elusive OBs tomorrow and get some more info. I am sure it is OK or the doctor at the unit would of sent me straight to hospital.
I have to go to hospital if I have any discomfort but between having spasms of constipation and SPD pain in my pelvis I just hope that I can spot anything else....
Hello Sunshine!
So, I am back from our great trip back to the UK. I spent a whirlwind 3 weeks zooming thru friends, family, London and Dorset and loved every minute of it. I miss my friends SO MUCH, I love them all to bits and feel terribly lucky to have them all.
Being back made me make comparsions to here and there and what I have found is:
The weather in Alberta is divine! Hello sunshine, goodbye 3 weeks of rain, rain and RAAAAIN.
I must apologise for an earlier post about bad Albertan drivers. UK drivers are just as shit, me included as I crashed my Mum's car in sodding Poundbury (a souless dive that prince Charles has built). Sodding Poundbury does indeed sound like a Dorset town but Charles just named it Poundbury....and made knife edge granite curbs that slice up car tyres :-(
Traffic = UK, I spent a disproportionate time in traffic jams. Traffic jams in the rain.
Erm, that is it really, I bang on about missing Tate Modern and Selfridges but I did not visit them - friends, family and Dorset took priority.
My belly grew twice as large due to eating lots and it weighs a ton! I have SPD - a pelvic thing where it feels like the pelvis is separating in half the wrong way and yikes it hurts - mostly turning in bed and as for standing on one leg forget it! Doing lots of PVF exercises to help it.
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