Saturday, August 14, 2010

Good sleeping :-)

Woohooo! I feel that we have cracked so much in the sleep area in the last 2 weeks. A couple of weeks ago Joe woudl not sleep without bouncing. That went on for about 10 days until we introduced a proper routine for their bedtime. This has made all the difference.

So...before the last feed we take them upstairs, get them into their sleepers and sleep bags, wash their faces and oil them, then feed them and then read them a baby story book. These steps seems to be working as signals as bedtime has become much more of a pleasure. They are always asleep by 8pm, 3 times a week they just drift off to sleep with nowt a cry but 4 times a week they cry a bit and we shhhh them gently and rub their tummies and heads which helps them calm down. I hvae let them just cry for 5 minutes and then I be a mum and go and pat and shhhh them again - usually they then nod off.

Of course, I know by now that next week coudl be different but they are loving their routine right now. I do not really have a schedule but around certains parts of the day I have routine...want to know??


They wake up. If they are still asleep at 8am I wake them up (but usually they wake at 7:30am)
Carry both downstairs and change and dress, They play on own and with me for 100 mins after wake time and then they have a nap and sleep for 30 - 45 mins. They go down very easily for morning nap
Play a bit more and then feed 3 hours after morning feed so approx 10:30.
Then pop them into buggy and go for walkies. I usually go get a coffee and chat to peeps. i have just found a nice park full of mums to chat too as well - tres happy about that :-)
Next feed 1:30pm, then straight up for a nap after feed. They sleep for 30 mins to 45 mins.
Then they play on own and with me until next feed at 4:30pm.
Then we play for 45 mins (we do standy up, sitty down, rolly over, we play with toys and sing, dance, look in kitchen etc etc) and then I pop them back into buggy and we go for a run! I run for 40 mins and they can look out of the buggy (thru the mozzie net and sun shader) at trees, rivers etc.
Then we play a bit more, or I have one in the baby bjorn front facing and one in the bouncy chair on the worktop and prep dindins - they like to 'help' me by watching or holding wooden spoons.
Then BUG gets home and sometimes I crank out a heeeelp, but more often these days I am feelign much more normal and can hold down an adult conversation where I actually ask him how his day went!
Then we start the bed time routine like I mentioned.
I am usually in bed by 10pm, asleep by 11:30 (I cannot sleep boohoo). We do a night feed anytime from midnight to 5am. It takes just minutes and they go straight back to sleep.

How things change from those early days. I would never of believed we could do all this on our own back then, i feel pretty proud about things esp the breast feeding which is still goign very well.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Me weighing a heavty amount, no bum shots allowed - too big!!
Check out the Chariot!
(how do it turn the picture round?)

So I have been running now for 5 weeks. I wanted to start running at 4 months as I have always loved running and it has always been good for weight loss.

Ah...weight loss. At their 4 month doctor appointment (meant to be 3 month but was late) I weighed 84 kilos!!! I have put on a third of my body weight since I was 16 weeks pregnant and I am looked pretty heavy AND HORRORS - I have 'fat back' YUK I hate fat back!! I have never been so weighty so I am feeling pretty bloddy sad about how I look.

How did I get this big? Well, I can tell you :-).

Breastfeeding does not burn calories with everyone and I have eaten a lot of cake! Also I have not left the house to exercise until week 15! After birth I weighed 77kilos, went upto 79 by week 6 and then was 84 at week 16.

SO for the past 5 weeks I have gone out with the Chariot twice a day. My morning walk and then my run. My run loops are both 4.5k. Bearing in mind I have had 11 months of atrophy 4.5k is pretty good and I started it by just walking it for the first week. Then I started adding in little jogs. My boobies were all over the shop so wore another bra on top of other bra and by third week was running to one tree and then walking to next etc etc. Now I can run 3.5 k in one go and my last run I was running parts - not just jogging! It comes back quickly you know. Even if you are a running novice it can only take a month to build muscle up (a bit longer for ligaments etc so don't go crazee). Also, I have the official word and evidence from me that exercise does not reduce milk supply if built up carefully.

I plan to add more distance soon and when winter comes maybe get on the turbo trainer.

I think the kiddies enjoy the routes, they see trees, cars, rivers, bridges, birds and dogs.

A few weeks in and I am stuck at 80kilos but know that I am still having the odd oaty biscuit or slice of cake (shhh heheh) IF I cut down even more then another 4 ks should shift.

Slowly and surely.